
Baduev Zorikto Zorikto من عند Mukhino, Tverskaya oblast', روسيا، 172825 من عند Mukhino, Tverskaya oblast', روسيا، 172825

قارئ Baduev Zorikto Zorikto من عند Mukhino, Tverskaya oblast', روسيا، 172825

Baduev Zorikto Zorikto من عند Mukhino, Tverskaya oblast', روسيا، 172825


Poorly written, but the fire fighting part was interesting.


Its a good book emphasing over self exploration & hinting at the journey of self exploration begins from you & eventually ends at you only. The treasure we are in search is hidden inside us. "If you desire something from your heart then whole universe conspires in your favour." This is the theme of the book. As all the religions in this world speaks about the same concept that is Spirituality so Paulo Coelho woven this concept very brilliantly in this novel with self exploration. The climax of the book is in its dramatic end. After going through long journey towards Egypt in search of hidden treasure the protagonist suddenly encounters a situation where he finds the meaning of this journey i.e. it ends eventually at you only. Nice book.