
Rode Kater Producties Kater Producties من عند Antonove, Mykolaivs'ka oblast, أوكرانيا من عند Antonove, Mykolaivs'ka oblast, أوكرانيا

قارئ Rode Kater Producties Kater Producties من عند Antonove, Mykolaivs'ka oblast, أوكرانيا

Rode Kater Producties Kater Producties من عند Antonove, Mykolaivs'ka oblast, أوكرانيا


I'll keep it short - Butch Lee is the most astute white feminist currently writing in the United States. Her relocation of Harriet Tubman is amazing, placing her as NOT atypical or superhuman - and certainly not some big-hearted humanitarian - but rather as an average Black woman of her day, engaged in all possible forms of struggle. I put down the book inspired to write her a long rambling email, about my own current research on responses to sexual violence and what an inspiration her work is, as an activist and an intellectual (and a person of color and a man).