
James Zhu Zhu من عند Bandha Diha, Odisha, الهند من عند Bandha Diha, Odisha, الهند

قارئ James Zhu Zhu من عند Bandha Diha, Odisha, الهند

James Zhu Zhu من عند Bandha Diha, Odisha, الهند


أعرف مايك لذا قرأت كتابه وأنا سعيد لأنني فعلت. وقال انه سوف تحصل على مراجعة كاملة في العمل.


Great story. Really enjoyed it, never made it though the movie which made me yawn, the book was so much beter.


While Reading: I question if Ehrenreich will be able to continue with her research in all of the cities with all of the problems that have occured. So far this book is hard for me to continue reading due to the constant nagging of the narrator. Review: I thought she should have followed a person living off of minimum wage instead of a person trying to change her life to fit into that lifestyle. Ehrenreich showed a good attempt at the lifestyle but readers can't get passed the fact that she has her Phd. It made me realize how hard it is for people living on minimum wage.