
Julio Vega Peinado Vega Peinado من عند نيويورك من عند نيويورك

قارئ Julio Vega Peinado Vega Peinado من عند نيويورك

Julio Vega Peinado Vega Peinado من عند نيويورك


لقد استمتعت بشكل خاص ببداية هذا الكتاب وتاريخ نشأته في مدينة نيويورك قبل وأثناء الحرب العالمية الثانية. هذه مذكرات عن حياة بيت هامل وتأثير الشرب عليها. هامل يكتب جيدًا ومن المثير للقلق رؤية تأثير شربه على حياته.


This book is told from the perspective of veterinarian Helena after she has died from breast cancer. She is witness to the aftermath of her death as well as dealing with the ties that still bind her to earth. It has shades of The Lovely Bones. The story primary focus is that of chimpanzee Cindy who acquires the vocal language of a 4 year old girl via a study that is ended forcing her into the general primate pool - meaning studies that could possibly end her life. Her husband David, an attorney, defends Jaycee (the scientist with whom Helena studied with). This provides an avenue for David to heal from his pain, as well as for Helena to learn to let go of her own pain that she suffered while ending the lives of animals as a veterinarian. I like this book very much, although the details surrounding the decision to end an animal's life are cry inducing, which makes people look at you funny while on public transportation. Unsaid says all the things that sometimes we can't in the face of death.