
Eduardo Reis Reis من عند Ban Than, Ban Lat District, Phetchaburi, تايلاند من عند Ban Than, Ban Lat District, Phetchaburi, تايلاند

قارئ Eduardo Reis Reis من عند Ban Than, Ban Lat District, Phetchaburi, تايلاند

Eduardo Reis Reis من عند Ban Than, Ban Lat District, Phetchaburi, تايلاند


شخصيات جذابة جدا. قصة ممتعة. أعجبني كثيرا.


The other side of the story.....very original...makes you look at the wizard of oz differently


wow, only a south african writer could have produced this! harrowing in a truely mesmirising way. it left me wanting to know more about the author and my country.