
Harry Kenney Kenney من عند Ceraukste parish, لاتفيا من عند Ceraukste parish, لاتفيا

قارئ Harry Kenney Kenney من عند Ceraukste parish, لاتفيا

Harry Kenney Kenney من عند Ceraukste parish, لاتفيا


In an post apocalyptic world, Dae owns a diner in an almost abandoned city. No law reigns unless the regulators' law, biker gang who patrolling the zone. Dae must protect his younger sister and so he takes on him all the brutality of the gangs member, in particular of the leader. So now Dae is alive but his body is scarred, like his soul. He no more has hope. But one day a new regulater arrives in the city: Coby is younger but he is also a born leader. But when he is with Dae, he has a gentle touch. He promises not to hurt Dae. He says he will return to Dae every night, and every night he returns. So maybe Dae can find some hope inside him. This is a wonderful story, of a love who blossoms among the pain. Cody is so tender and caring, Dae, even if he is older, is like a baby who reborns with the gentle touch of Cody. It is also an over romantic story, and of passion, even if you will not find the mere act of sex: the passion is all in the magic touch of Cody, and a kiss will be the ultimate gift.


After reading the first book by Karrine Steffans, I feel this book just dragged on. I think it was just too much like the first book that it felt like it was just repeating.


Rated a NY Times Bestseller - reminds me that being a best seller doesn't guarantee quality writing. The narration would shift mid-paragraph as would tenses making it hard to follow in some places. The plot was OK, but predictable and sad from start to finish - great coverage of bullying though if you're a parent or teacher.