
Magdalena Kosewska Kosewska من عند Yadkin College, NC, الولايات المتحدة من عند Yadkin College, NC, الولايات المتحدة

قارئ Magdalena Kosewska Kosewska من عند Yadkin College, NC, الولايات المتحدة

Magdalena Kosewska Kosewska من عند Yadkin College, NC, الولايات المتحدة


لم أكن معجبًا بهذه المجموعة من القصص القصيرة والقصائد. شعرت بخيبة أمل بالفعل ... وأنا أعشق نيل جيمان على الإطلاق. إليك ما كتبه مراجع آخر (JC) [http: // / ...] عن هذا الكتاب الذي وضعه في أفضل وضع ؛ "هذه المجموعة من الأعمال القصيرة ... ربما يجب قراءتها لعشاق Gaiman الحقيقيين الذين يقرؤون كل ما يفعله (4 نجوم لهم) ، ولكن ليس حقًا لأي شخص آخر (نجمة واحدة فقط للجمهور العام). وأقول هذا كواحد من هؤلاء المشجعين ". أبرز؛ "Chivalry" "The Goldfish Pool وقصص أخرى" "Troll Bridge" "يمكننا الحصول عليها من أجلك بالجملة" "Mouse" "Mysteries Mysteries" "Snow، Glass، Apple" لقد تخطيت بالفعل بعض القصص لأنها ببساطة لا يهمني بما فيه الكفاية. وعموما ، كانت قراءة مثيرة للاهتمام.


This book was a great dose of reality for the moms of today. Constantly feeling guilty about EVERYTHING has been an aspect of motherhood that surprised me, and it was so refreshing to read a book where the moms are not all supermoms. I will definitely keep this book on hand for the years to come as it addresses ways to prioritize, how to say no to decisions that ultimately don't benefit your family, how to deal with the crippling guilt of motherhood, and it even gives you permission to laugh at the craziness that comes with kids. "Our generation of mom feel like they have to be perfect. When I have conversations with my mom, she'll say, 'Getting angry happened weekly, if not daily, when I was a mom, and you're not scarred, are you? You have this vision of being so perfect, but you are HUMAN, and you need them to understand that you make mistakes, so they realize that it's okay to make mistakes, too.'" p.79 "We feel guilt all the time over circumstances we can't control. We feel guilty when another child snubs our child. We feel guilty when it's too cold or too rainy to go outside to play. And these are all things that are out of our control, so nip this kind of thinking in the bud, and give yourself a break." p.95


I have to be honest...I didn't finish this book. I was so intrigued by the brother's stories, and just how their mother came to be pregnant, but after getting about a third of the way through the book, it just became too heavy and sad for me. I did enjoy learning more about Indian and Ethiopian culures, as well as the religious connotations. But, it was just too serious and sad for me. I may pick it back up one day.
