
Stuart Lingard Lingard من عند Wheelton, Chorley, Lancashire PR6، المملكة المتحدة من عند Wheelton, Chorley, Lancashire PR6، المملكة المتحدة

قارئ Stuart Lingard Lingard من عند Wheelton, Chorley, Lancashire PR6، المملكة المتحدة

Stuart Lingard Lingard من عند Wheelton, Chorley, Lancashire PR6، المملكة المتحدة


استمتعت حقًا بهذه النظرة المتعمقة إلى حياة إرنست همنغواي كما صورها مايكل بالين.


هذا هو الثالث في سلسلة وأكثر متعة بكثير ثم الأولين. يمكنك قراءة هذا كموقف وحيد.




أنا لم أقرأها أبداً ، لقد توقفت في الفصل الثاني ، إنها مملة للغاية لدرجة أنه لا يمكنني أن أنهيها حتى الآن


Given to me by a friend around, I guess, 1993, when I had just survived an episode of acute Guns n'Roses fannishness, which was then followed by the most epic US love EVAH! God, being a teenager was fun, wasn't it? I think my parents must have liked U2 a lot better than GnR. I mean, at least the posters weren't quite as horrifying. (I know I'd disown my thirteen year old daughter if she plastered her walls with long-haired men in tiny shorts. (good thing I don't have a daughter).) Me, however, well, nowadays, I don't care one way or the other. Neither U2 nor GnR features heavily on my playlists or car tapes (old-fashioned, I know). You'll be more likely to find me listening to Appetite for Destruction than Joshua Tree, but I never claimed to have good taste. (though, good enough taste to never have owned the infamous Spaghetti Incident. Did buy Chinese Democracy though, but more out of a nostalgic feeling of loyalty. I kinda imagined if I didn't buy it, nobody else would.) Still like U2, but I can't say I get excited about them. Can't say I remember anything about this book, either. But I swear, it was the most epic U2 love EVER!