
من عند 6773 Stoyanovo, بلغاريا من عند 6773 Stoyanovo, بلغاريا

قارئ من عند 6773 Stoyanovo, بلغاريا

من عند 6773 Stoyanovo, بلغاريا


لقد استمتعت بالكتاب 2 من هذه السلسلة ، لكن ليس بقدر ما استمتعت بالكتاب 1.


كانت هذه هي المرة الأولى التي أقرأ فيها الهوبيت وأحببته! لقد كانت مغامرة ممتعة وخيالية تمامًا وقراءة جيدة. لقد أبقى اهتمامي طوال الوقت ، وعلى الرغم من أنه تم إخباري بأن كتب Lord of the Rings الأخرى أصعب بكثير ، إلا أنني آمل أن أقرأها في وقت لاحق من هذا العام.


This book was awesome. I believe reading this book can teach us all a valuable lesson. a lesson about how the world is not a bad place for one person, but for many. Many people in the world face they only problems and they have to go thought it. Thats what zits had to go through when he was transport into the past. This transportation was to teach michael here a lesson and to give him a second chance on the decision of shooting up a bank or just choice a different route. I enjoy this book, because it help relates to myself and how I use to hate the world for my own problem. Lucky for me I was able to overcome it with help and support of friends, doctors, and even my family. if someone looked out for zits liek they did for me than michalel here wouldn't face problems of loneiness like I did before. I think he can help other people overcome they problems and it can help others get out of their depresssion.


I am becoming addicted to this series. The books are perfect for this age group. I remember that I became very interested in Greek mythology when I was in fifth grade, and I think I would have liked these books then. Rick Riordan does a very good job of incorporating mythological creatures and staying true to the myths in a contemporary setting. This book was essentially the Odyssey, and it was very well done. I really like Tyson. He's probably the first character that I feel really connected to, other than Percy, I guess. I really hope Tyson is in the other books.