
Runa S S من عند نيويورك من عند نيويورك

قارئ Runa S S من عند نيويورك

Runa S S من عند نيويورك


تأكد من حصولك على إصدار لاحق من هذا الكتاب - الإصدارات القديمة بها العديد من الأخطاء.


تتمتع بدقة هذه الكلاسيكية.


I picked up Girl, 20 for free and with the notion that a literate English-speaking person should read at least something by at least one Amis. This colored my reading. The book cover's proclamation: "acidly funny, shamelessly entertaining" also prejudiced me. I expected it to make me laugh, or at least nod appreciatively. I did not. Possibly I do not understand 1970s British satire. The loss, no doubt, is mine. Possibly I did not follow the musical threads of the novel, therefore missed the funny or entertaining parts. My miseducation, I'm sure. Possibly the narrator's voice made me similarly cold to the other characters. But as a creature of the times, detached cynicism shouldn't be such a hurdle. Probably the lack of space aliens and explosions is the root of the problem.