
Chris Arock Arock من عند Baozhong Township, Yunlin County, تايوان 634 من عند Baozhong Township, Yunlin County, تايوان 634

قارئ Chris Arock Arock من عند Baozhong Township, Yunlin County, تايوان 634

Chris Arock Arock من عند Baozhong Township, Yunlin County, تايوان 634


أتعس قصة في العالم.


I enjoyed the nail-biting-don't-want-to-put-the-book-down suspense. Well-written with great insight into the characters' personalities. I was a bit disappointed with the ending as it left quite a few issues unresolved & seemed like the author just wanted to end it! Hopefully this means a sequel!