
Joanna Kwa Kwa من عند Meix-devant-Virton, بلجيكا من عند Meix-devant-Virton, بلجيكا

قارئ Joanna Kwa Kwa من عند Meix-devant-Virton, بلجيكا

Joanna Kwa Kwa من عند Meix-devant-Virton, بلجيكا


It was OK I think they should of made it into a bigger book. (The plot was rushed.) It was about this young girl/cheerleader being attacked by a vampire who makes her a vampire and then throws her into a ravine. She then recovers 3 days later as a vampire. Or so she thought................... but then she realizes that she is undead (or a half-blood vampire) not a fully blooded vampire. (she realizes that when a full vampire tells her. I can't really tell u WHY she is A HALF BLOOD NOT A FULL BLOOD bcause it is a looooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggg story.) And she was created without a licence to do so. She has to then plad her innocence to a vampire court to get a lisence. Along the way she falls in love with the full-vampire that told her she is only undead. ReAd It If YoU wAnT tO.............BLEH ****COUGHS**** trying to b scary while typing is hard. BYE........... I vAnT tO dRiNk Ur BlOoD.........*harshly coughs*............ *sighs*..........goodby ^ ^ / \/ \ (FANGS UPSIDOWN)


I read this book for school also. I do not like it, for I don't like any books with sad endings.