Sarah Crook Crook من عند Novaya Salyn', Bryanskaya oblast', روسيا، 242747
قصة مذهلة في النثر الجميل. هذه هي قصة حياة حقيقية تنطوي على غواصة والغوص. لقد وجدت أنها أكثر روعة لأنها غير خيالية.
Another book that was influential in my personal decision-making. A story about a platoon of men going through basic training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, but Thomas Ricks (who writes for the Washington Post) infused a lot of thought-provoking ideas about the relationship (or lack thereof) between civilians and their military.
Wow...It's not very hard for me to like a book but this one...I couldn't even finish it. I had to have my sister tell me how it ended.