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مقالات مسلية متعلقة بالغذاء تغطي العديد من الموضوعات المختلفة - من الأكل على مستوى البقاء إلى الطبخ مع أولسترا.
This was a fairly disappointing book. I had just finished the Wilderness series and had fallen in love with historical fiction. (Other than Diana Galbadon's Outlander series, I really haven't read much in this genre.) And this book couldn't even begin to stand up to either series. I originally picked up the story 'cause it sounded interesting -- a young midwife needs to leave England when her mentor dies and the villagers start crying foul and "witch", etc. She manages the voyage "across the pond" by contracting as an Indentured servant. The plot concept was good, the execution of the story wasn't. The characters were all stereotypical portrayals -- the author really didn't develop any of the characters well, so in turn, I couldn't really care too much what became of any of them.