
Ega Alvio Alvio من عند Kgalagadi, جنوب أفريقيا من عند Kgalagadi, جنوب أفريقيا

قارئ Ega Alvio Alvio من عند Kgalagadi, جنوب أفريقيا

Ega Alvio Alvio من عند Kgalagadi, جنوب أفريقيا


I don't think he can ever top this one no point in reading his other novels (i've tried, believe me)


I went to bed early every night while I was reading this book to get a few more pages in. It not only was interesting and enlightening, it actually made me happy. It's such a hopeful vision of the world... I'd recommend this to anyone who has considered the possibility that we are all, ultimately, one.


The "Culture Shock" series of books go beyond the usual travel guide and delve more into the countries customs and etiquette. Sometimes baffling, sometimes humorous-always fascinating!