
Chen Zuan Zuan من عند Cheriyanad, Kerala, الهند من عند Cheriyanad, Kerala, الهند

قارئ Chen Zuan Zuan من عند Cheriyanad, Kerala, الهند

Chen Zuan Zuan من عند Cheriyanad, Kerala, الهند


متعة ومضحك كتاب الصبي مع القلب


Well, this was an exciting end to the series. I did not like it as much as the first two for some reason. Maybe was a little to heavy on the redemption toward the end? Especially the mean, villianous trull/sadistic jailkeeper/informant to the evil overlord that somehow ends up being a loving caretaker to the kid of her prisoner. Also I had hoped the Archbishop would meet some heinous demise. There is another series from JVJ, and maybe the characters carry through. If that were the intention then this character would be hard to kill off. I will be getting the next series too.