
Ukasz Wody Wody من عند Mahua Singh Rae, Bihar, الهند من عند Mahua Singh Rae, Bihar, الهند

قارئ Ukasz Wody Wody من عند Mahua Singh Rae, Bihar, الهند

Ukasz Wody Wody من عند Mahua Singh Rae, Bihar, الهند


رائع حقا تفسير الكتاب المقدس.


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This book had two faces and I'm not sure they really meshed that well. You could tell that what Harris really wanted to do (he's a philosophy grad student) was write a philosophical scholarly monologue on faith, but for marketing reasons ended up instead having to do a few chapters ripping on the major monotheistic religions. Because he wasn't able to devote his full attention to the philosophical parts of the book, I felt he was imprecise and his arguments were faulty. Sadly enough, the parts I think he was probably less excited to write, the theological stuff, turned out to be better done. Go figure.