
Massimo Casalini Casalini من عند 09370 Işıklar Köyü/Karacasu/Aydın, تركيا من عند 09370 Işıklar Köyü/Karacasu/Aydın, تركيا

قارئ Massimo Casalini Casalini من عند 09370 Işıklar Köyü/Karacasu/Aydın, تركيا

Massimo Casalini Casalini من عند 09370 Işıklar Köyü/Karacasu/Aydın, تركيا


I've had this book sitting on my "to-read" shelf for too long and I've decided to sit down and read it. I watched the movie first and figured it would be pretty close with the book and I was right. I could pretty much determine what happened next. Although some things were a bit different, it was basically the same as the movie. At times I felt myself getting bored of the book, but I pushed through it and ended up crying like a baby at the end of it.


A somewhat dark book, but a good and enlightening read.


Well, in some ways it was worse than what I was expecting, and in some ways better. This whole instant reaction where everyone is a special snowflake in some way is really kind of annoying. Seriously, why do they all, out of all of the vampires everywhere, have special powers? Also, I understand infatuation, but the levels they go to after knowing each other for such short periods of just seems a little too...immature for such people. I can see it from Bella, being quite young and immature for her age, and I suppose since Edward was changed at about the same age and never really had any kind of relationships he'd be stuck at the same developmental level too, but come on peoples! Seriously, it's just don't even know. I'm also re-watching Buffy, and quite a few of the scenes in the book are reminiscent of scenes from Buffy, though Edward is quite a bit more controlling and stalker-y than Angel ever was. Completing each other doesn't mean you don't ever hang out with anyone else. I know Bella's average high school friends were, well, average, but why does she pretty much drop them when she and Edward get together? You need your own groups of friends to be fully adjusted, functioning adults. Not that they ever will be. Enjoyable for the most part, but not a wonderful piece of literature.