
Celine Arnaudeau Arnaudeau من عند Piedras Negras, Ver., المكسيك من عند Piedras Negras, Ver., المكسيك

قارئ Celine Arnaudeau Arnaudeau من عند Piedras Negras, Ver., المكسيك

Celine Arnaudeau Arnaudeau من عند Piedras Negras, Ver., المكسيك


أشعر أنني قد أحتاج إلى قراءة هذا مرة أخرى. لقد قرأت ذلك مرتين: مثل جانيت ، أول مرة كنت صغيراً جداً لفهمها ، لكن في المرة الثانية ، لم يعجبني ذلك.


هذا الكتاب كان جيدا. فتاة صغيرة تريد حل قتل والدها والبحث عن الكمان المسروق. يشمل الغجر ، الكرة ، معركة سياسية وصداقات جديدة.


This book is awesome it shows how a girl finally uses her voice. All i gootahh say is that this book is great!!!


Such a sad beautiful story! I don't usually read melancholic stories but somehow this book just draws me in. Frankly, I dislike all the characters in this but I love how each of their stories are being told by the author. There are various parts where I had to put the book down just because I can't handle the emotions being portrayed by the characters at that time. Yet strangely, every time I do that, the next moment I'll pick it up because I just have to know what happens next. Honestly, I'm actually surprised that these youngsters are so full of pessimism and most times helplessly succumb to their deepest, darkest emotions. I could never identify with either of them. When I was that age, life was just beginning and seemed so exciting. I can remember the nervousness of starting my first adult job, hanging out with friends to boast or complain about the current happenings in our lives and just enjoying everything as an adult at last. Yes, it's scary not to be a teenager anymore, the responsibilities on one's shoulder are now more daunting and most times, it's confusing trying to be an adult when the mind and heart is still a teenager but never once was I sad or depressed. So it amazes me that every character in this book is depressed - all of them are sad in their own unique way, at various levels. If I were to rate them, it wouldn't be from most favourite to the least but from the sad to the emotionally distraught that death is the only cure. Even for the most optimistic characters, Midori and Nagasawa, I can feel there's a layer of emotional pain that wraps around their so-called chest-beating statements. To these young individuals, Death is not an end to itself. To them, Death "... was not a decisive element that brought life to an end. There, death was but one of the elements comprising life" (p.360) .