
Erieene Ramirez Ramirez من عند 81650 Kalkın Köyü/Akçakoca/Düzce, تركيا من عند 81650 Kalkın Köyü/Akçakoca/Düzce, تركيا

قارئ Erieene Ramirez Ramirez من عند 81650 Kalkın Köyü/Akçakoca/Düzce, تركيا

Erieene Ramirez Ramirez من عند 81650 Kalkın Köyü/Akçakoca/Düzce, تركيا


إذا أردت يومًا أن تعرف لماذا يكون بعض أصدقائك من المتسكعون وأنت تعلم أنهم لن يتوقفوا أبداً عن أن يكونوا من المتسكعين ولا يزالون يجدون أنك يجب أن تكون معهم أصدقاء. الكتاب الأفضل والوحيد عن هذا النوع من الصداقة.


I'm actually not sure how to feel about this, because I'm not that satisfied with the ending, but I loved it pretty much all the way up until then. Emma Donoghue is just a fantastic author who doesn't allow her work to be limited to one genre, which is awesome. Slammerkin, Kissing the Witch, Landing, Room, they're all vastly different, which makes her awesome. Basically, there's a girl in 18th c. London who becomes a prostitute, and the book follows her life from there. It's based on real events, which I'm kind of glad I didn't know about beforehand, as I had no idea where the story was heading. I've only read two things Donghue's written (this and Kissing the Witch), but at this point I'd recommend anything of hers. Awesome.