
Anton Zakharchenko Zakharchenko من عند Drużbice-Kolonia, بولندا من عند Drużbice-Kolonia, بولندا

قارئ Anton Zakharchenko Zakharchenko من عند Drużbice-Kolonia, بولندا

Anton Zakharchenko Zakharchenko من عند Drużbice-Kolonia, بولندا


I actually would have given this collection of linked short stories about a group of young NYC area women 3 1/2 stars. In the first half of the book, I thought the author had trouble finding her rhythm (or maybe I did?), but eventually I came to care about the characters and find them funny.


Think you know all the super heroes? Think again. In this series, Mr. Martin takes short stories in a shared world and brings them all together to create a new Marvel-type universe. Character driven, these books follow an alternate history of the world from an alien virus bursting over NYC in the 1950s. The virus makes some people into Aces, with incredible powers, others into Jokers with horrible deformities. A fantastic cast of characters interwoven together deftly by GRRM.