Jason Rae Rae من عند Bucium-Orlea 337443، رومانيا
يتم اختطاف شايان عندما يختطف أحدهم سيارة زوجة أبيها. (إنها في المقعد الخلفي ، في انتظار عودة زوجتها مع المضادات الحيوية التي يجب أن تتناولها لأنها مصابة بالتهاب رئوي). كان من المفترض أن تستغرق المهمة بضع دقائق ، لكن ذلك أعطى غريفين وقتًا كافيًا لسرقة السيارة. لسوء الحظ ، لم يخطط لإقامة فتاة مراهقة في المقعد الخلفي. ومما يزيد الطين بلة (على الأقل بالنسبة لشين)؟ انها عمياء. لقد استمتعت بهذا الكتاب. كانت هناك مجموعة من التحولات غير المتوقعة ونهاية غير مرتبة. (ما هي الصفقة في هذه الأيام؟) لكنها بالتأكيد وسيلة ممتعة لقضاء بضع ساعات وقراءة سريعة بشكل لا يصدق.
** spoiler alert ** This book is a beautiful children's story that I read after seeing the film and falling in love with the characters. As far as book-to-film translations go I think the film did a good job of representing the overall themes of the book, which is a rare thing in my own experience with others like it. There's something I adore about a story that manages to put into words the mixed feelings and confusion that all of us wrestle with in our youth - especially when it comes to heavier concepts like a boy wondering why his father treats him differently to his four sisters and how his own grieving process works when coping with death. Perhaps I personally loved this book because I could relate to it, often directly, and I wish that I could explain some things to my ten-year-old self with as much care as this book. I guess that's why we love books anyway isn't it? The only criticism I have is that I wonder whether or not a child would have the same experience reading this book as I did. Something tells me that I wouldn't have appreciated the point of view and themes used if I weren't able to use the benefit of hindsight. However, I guess that's the way with a lot of so-called "children's books" that actually have much more depth than only pure entertainment. Don't read this if you're only interested in literary brilliance, but give it a go if you want to read an easy, but infinitely touching story. Besides, any book that has me bawling like crazy has got to have something strong going on.
Adored it. Completely adored it. This book is like my foreign grandfather.
hmmm, good one. long but good. a bit too gory too stomach at times. made me feel blessed i'm an insignificant nothing, rather than a big head hunted down by enemies who would go for my throat any time...