
من عند Tanjungbaru, East Cikarang, Bekasi, West Java, إندونيسيا من عند Tanjungbaru, East Cikarang, Bekasi, West Java, إندونيسيا

قارئ من عند Tanjungbaru, East Cikarang, Bekasi, West Java, إندونيسيا

من عند Tanjungbaru, East Cikarang, Bekasi, West Java, إندونيسيا


هذه هي مجموعة من الانعكاسات في تنسيق الآية على القاعدة البينديكتية. لقد تأثرت تمامًا بالقاعدة البينديكتية وأستمتع عمومًا بكتب عنها. يبدو أنني شعرت بالملل من هذا ، ربما بسبب أسلوب الآية الذي كان ينبغي أن يكون رائعًا ، لكنني وجدت أنه يصرف الانتباه.


أفضل مسرحية مكتوبة باللغة الإنجليزية في عشر سنوات على الأقل. الأصلي بشكل مكثف و ballsy كما الجحيم. نوع اللعب الذي تعيد قراءته فورًا لأنك لا تصدق عقلك.


مسموع رائعة تماما! قصة Eig غنية بالتفاصيل ، حيث رسمت صورة شيكاغو المورقة مثل Capone. قراءة ديك هيل تجسد بشكل رائع كل من رجال العصابات الملونة والسياسيين المتواضعين. إذا كان بإمكان أي شخص أن يغمز بصوت ، فهو السيد هيل وهو وإيج يصنعان الزوج المثالي لإحياء العشرينات الصاخبة في الحياة.


Was I supposed to feel bad for Natalie? Because I didn't.


This book is not for the weak of heart. It's gory, and heart-wrenching. It took away your favorite character when you were least expecting. But still, the writing was perfect and full of action. There were SO many characters though. That was my only big issue. Because there were so many, when you were thinking about one specifically it wouldn't be mentioned at all in the writing. So I'd be like 'Where's Fred?' and I wouldn't find out until 2 or 3 chapters later. The chapters were short, I'll give that. There was an underlying hint of religion. The Lamb and the Goat. It wasn't annoying though, as some religion in fiction books can turn out to be. (n/o) I really like how at the end it sort of wrapped in with The Enemy. Characters-10/10 Ending-8.5/10 Writing-9.5/10 Plotline-8/10 ^There wasn't much of a plot. Just a means for survival that took them places.


This book was so depressing I wanted to kill myself. But I couldn't stop turning the page, just hoping for some ray of hope in the dreadful post-apocalyptic world Cormac McCarthy so eloquently describes. The stark poetry of the prose is as beautiful as the people and places it describes are ugly. Possibly the saddest "happy" ending you'll ever read. This book actually made me feel good to be alive -- everything in my life is wonderful compared to what these characters go through just to make it to the next day.