
Agathe Br Br من عند Nellikkattiri, Kerala 679533، الهند من عند Nellikkattiri, Kerala 679533، الهند

قارئ Agathe Br Br من عند Nellikkattiri, Kerala 679533، الهند

Agathe Br Br من عند Nellikkattiri, Kerala 679533، الهند


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Interesting, creatively done, but not quite wonderful. Far too much horrific detail.


I liked this book. It was given to me by a friend who knew that I like historical romances. I have now seen the movie. I think they did a pretty good job of turning the book into a movie. Almost 2 years elapsed between reading the book and seeing the movie, so the book wasn't as fresh in my mind. But from what I remember...the movie was well done.


I would always watch Rumpole on PBS with my dad when I was growing up. These are just short stories/mysteries. I love them because they are so British and because they remind me of my dad.