
Adam Bartas Bartas من عند نيويورك من عند نيويورك

قارئ Adam Bartas Bartas من عند نيويورك

Adam Bartas Bartas من عند نيويورك


لقد كرهت هذا الكتاب تمامًا ، ربما لأنه ليس لدي أي نية أو اهتمام بعقل مدمن كراني.


عجب قراءة. شخصيات كبيرة والغموض مقنع في أجمل وضع يمكن تخيله.


هذا هو كتابي الأول لكريستين فيهان. أنا أحب كل عملها. إنها بارعة في فنها. المزيد قادم.


Fabulous mystery, intriguing revelations, and a killer ending. I so want book #3 now!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Follow the leader."* Some secrets are not meant to be shared. Three months after the end of Across the Universe, Elder has become the leader of Godspeed, and each of his subsequent choices as its newest ruler have come with consequences. While Elder struggles with being the leader, Amy battles with her outsider status on Godspeed. But when she receives a mysterious clue hinting at a secret revolving around Godspeed, she readily embarks on a scavenger hunt to find answers that will change everything. Thank you, Beth Revis, for a sequel that is just as great if not better than the first novel. A Million Suns ramps up the energy and pandemonium. Revis takes everything - mystery, relationships, fear - to another level. Life on Godspeed is as claustrophobic as ever, with so many people and nowhere to run. A Million Suns is a magnetic mystery that will keep you on the edge of your seat, excited and breathless, until you arrive at the final page. Highlights: So many surprises. Even if you guess one, there are plenty of others that will amaze you. The hunt for the clues was interesting. Amy and Elder's relationship was intriguing - things are pretty strained between them, and I liked that they still have some issues to work out. Lowlights: It took a few chapters to get back into the characters voices and to remember their personalities. And Revis killed off a character I liked (again). * pg. 147 - A simple phrase, and yet it gives me chills.