Bel من عند Mae Wat, Than To District, Yala, تايلاند
احذر: سوف ترغب في التمسك بهذا الكتاب ولديك رغبة كبيرة في استئجار أفلام Meryl Streep المذكورة في الكتاب بعد انتهائك. شعرت كما لو كنت جالسًا بجانب إيزابيل ويونيو وكات خلال ليالي الفيلم. لقد وجدت نفسي أتوجه إليهم من البداية. الكتاب يجعلني أتمنى حقًا أن أكون جزءًا من نادي الكتاب لأن هذا سيكون اختيارًا رائعًا لنادي الكتاب. وما الذي يجعله أفضل هو إقرانه بأحد الأفلام في الكتاب. لاول مرة مكتوبة بشكل جيد للغاية من السهل قراءتها ، مما يجعلها قراءة صيف / شاطئ رائعة. تأكد من أن لديك بعض الأنسجة بالقرب من.
So this was presented on NPR as a book about ambivalence in mothering... something that really interests my because I have PPD. However, as the title suggests, the author focuses more on the horrific and does a lot of allusion/comparison to Frankenstein's monster. I skimmed most of it because the whole Frankenstein bit just kept cropping up - to the point of monotony.
I thought this author made a good point about our society not drinking enough water and drinking too many other unnecessary drinks. I think, though, he may have taken his point too far. He seems to believe water can cure just about anything and I think that is a stretch. I just can't believe that all medical conditions are caused by dehydration. I was disappointed that he doesn't recognize the merits of drinking milk, particularly for women and children. At one point in the book, he mentions something to the effect of water should be the only beverage children drink. Some of his arguments didn't jive with me, either. For example, he says that the sun doesn't cause skin cancer. His argument in support was that he played tennis for 3 hours a day in the sun for years and he didn't get skin cancer. Overall, the book was enlightening and a good reminder to drink plenty of water and not to replace it with pop, juice, etc. Oh, and yes, I have been drinking the amount of water he recommends daily for 2 years now... unfortunately, no improvement in any of my health conditions. (Of course, based on this book, he might recommend I increase my salt intake)...