
Adriel Downie Downie من عند Studenki, Ryazanskaya oblast', روسيا، 391254 من عند Studenki, Ryazanskaya oblast', روسيا، 391254

قارئ Adriel Downie Downie من عند Studenki, Ryazanskaya oblast', روسيا، 391254

Adriel Downie Downie من عند Studenki, Ryazanskaya oblast', روسيا، 391254




Ok , I changed my star rating for this book. BUT I feel that this ridiculously strange final chapter in the Narnia series is oft-maligned (ok maybe for good reasons, but wait... NO!) It's really weird, and continues strange and potentially insulting caricatures of non-specific middle-eastern cultures, AND it's super christian and it's ending which I like a lot REFLECTS this, and sometimes these books tend to be super pro-warISH BUT: I feel like the whole christian philosophy backbone of the Narnia series, while certainly intentional, takes a major backseat to the ridiculous fantasy elements involved. In this way, the bizarre racist/christian/pro-war elements seem more like the haphazard assimilation and regurgitation of the everyday elements of world war II, imperial London by the children depicted in the story. (obviously not intended, obviously not the case) OR more like a stylistic choice like WOW how strange and ironic that these children end up in a world that is based on these tenets of their society and philosophy and mythology and prejudice. I mean isn't every little british christian girl's dream to find out that their closet is full of FUR TREES and that jesus is a big LION and that animals can talk and women in situations of power are WITCHES and boys kill with swords and it's AWESOME! GO ENGLAND! Anyway I really like the series, and this is a good end. Despite whatever I just said.