Osman Badran Badran من عند Casal do Mendo, Pontevedra, إسبانيا
لقد مر وقت طويل منذ أن قرأت كتابًا لمايكل كونيلي أعجبني هذا كثيرًا.
هذه ليست مسرحيته الأكثر قراءة ، لكنني أتمنى أن يستخدمها المدرسون. إنها مقدمة صارخة وعنيفة وممتعة لشكسبير.
I picked this up on a whim and tore through it. It's supposedly a retelling of Jane Eyre in a science fiction setting, which worked a lot better than I thought it would. Shinn didn't deviate from the original plot at all and it was interesting to see how SF-elements would play into the plot. It was even written in a very Bronte-esque style and made me want to reread the original again (it's been two years). Charming.