Till Koch Koch من عند 10055 Maffiotto TO, إيطاليا
يكتب ديريك جينسين من موقع الحقيقة التي أحبها. أشعر كأنه يصرخ من فوق قمة الجبل وأحاول أن ألتقط كلماته قبل أن تختفي.
One may be tempted to say that this book already has societal worth by getting The Cure in a hell of a lot of trouble, but it don't stop there! Easily Camus' most famous work, The Stranger (or The Foreigner, depending on how you want to translate L'Etranger) follows Meursault, a disaffected, disillusioned man who stalks through the bleak, dry landscape of Camus' homeland of Algeria. From his commitment of a crime, Camus unfolds his concept of the absurd philosophy rapidly, detailing the ineffective nature of human action and the meaninglessness of life, until its explosive denouement with Meursault raging at the prison priest's imploring him to turn to God. Camus' most bleak look at the world, to be sure.
This is my all time favorite book and movie. I can read this book over and over. I love reading stories about this time in history. It's such an important part of our history that took place not that long ago. Fantastic book.
this book is amazing. thats how i can explain it plain and simple.i absolutly love this author and i went crazy when i found out she made another book to this series. i am so glad that i picked this book up at the store, thinking it will be ok, i bought it. and in the end it turned out to be more than i thought it would be. this book is full of twists and turns and action and love. its like an all in one kinda thing. i have heard that people havent liked this book, but it is truely awsome. the love conection between the charicters is amazing and something everyone would want in real life. but in the end even some happy endings have problems. when clarys father tells her and jace everything they didnt know, things change and thats where the ssecond book begins.