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I have read this book before but i am going to read it again and finish the seiries. It is really good!
If there were less (MUCH less) sex and violence this book would probably have a substantially higher avg rating, yet some people are puritans at heart, revolted by detailed graphic violence. While i agree with them (i also can hardly stand all the deviations known to man in every new book) the book still doesnt deserve a one/two star rating. Honestly, rarely have i bumped into characters so well drawn that they remind of people i know- the tomboyish girl scorned at, the princess-kind sister who cant face reality in adulthood, hard and crude man at first glance yet capable of deep sympathy- all of these people i know. Many more are the the highlights of this series that cant be overlooked. Its not fantasy, its not medieval historical yet its both at the same time, and sometimes it seems like the later books are choking on it, especially the fourth, yet i trust Martin, for only two can be the reasons for 6 years without sequel- either hes tired of it, or fanatically perfectionist about it.