
Theo Mesnil Mesnil من عند Muthur, Tamil Nadu 642109، الهند من عند Muthur, Tamil Nadu 642109، الهند

قارئ Theo Mesnil Mesnil من عند Muthur, Tamil Nadu 642109، الهند

Theo Mesnil Mesnil من عند Muthur, Tamil Nadu 642109، الهند


الخط من ثلاثة أنواع من الكتابة ، واحد يقرأ ، واحد يقرأ ، واحد يقرأ ، واحد لا يقرأ ولا غير ذلك. هل تستطيع ذلك!


amazing book. third one comes out in like two weeks. cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


3.5 Stars. Ruff's prose is the very opposite of "literary". There's very little extra meaning under the veneer of this straightforward narrative. That's not to say that his style is bad, but House feels like a beach book. I enjoyed it while I was reading it, but I'll forget most of it in short order. The strength of the book lies in its characters. Again, many of the characters aren't particularly deep, but they're wholly amusing in a way that papers over their shallowness. While the book remains within the setting that allows Ruff to exploit all of his better characters, even the plotting feels fairly cohesive. The latter half of the novel, however, suffers from unfortunate plot detours. Ruff sets the reader up to expect revelations, but the biggest revelation by far occurs before all of this foreshadowing. Instead, the finale of the main plot falls completely flat. The climactic action has nothing to do with the personal struggles of the main characters. Thankfully, the end is redeemed by a satisfying if somewhat by the numbers epilogue. The amount of complaining I'm emitting probably makes it sound like I didn't like the book. I've become a ridiculously picky reader since becoming an amateur writer myself- especially in regards to plotting and structure. I see, for instance,a great deal of untapped potential in the book's admittedly terrific central conceit. This is still, however, the best novel I've read since Anathem several months back. It reads quickly, provides likable characters, and its first half showcases a pretty creative mind.