
Du من عند 74020 Urmo TA, إيطاليا من عند 74020 Urmo TA, إيطاليا

قارئ Du من عند 74020 Urmo TA, إيطاليا

Du من عند 74020 Urmo TA, إيطاليا


هذا الكتاب كان مملا. 2 نجوم بسبب آخر 40 صفحة مما جعلها محتملة.


Dooooooooooooooooowner. أود أن أقرأ كتابًا سعيدًا عن أفغانستان يومًا ما.


First off, I had never heard of "the diamond ring effect" and actually found myself stopping to research it in the middle of reading the story. FYI, wiki has a very pretty picture. Ok, so, about the story now. Roy is lonely, depressed and stuck at home caring for his ill mother. The relationship with his father is practically non-existant and he longs for a guy he doesn't think even knows he exists. Then appear some lost aliens that need his help and in return they actually help him. This is a short novella and I just felt more story needed to be told. Particularly the relationship between Roy and his father and Roy and his love interest.