
LeRon Wilson Wilson من عند Šajtarava, روسيا البيضاء من عند Šajtarava, روسيا البيضاء

قارئ LeRon Wilson Wilson من عند Šajtarava, روسيا البيضاء

LeRon Wilson Wilson من عند Šajtarava, روسيا البيضاء


لا يوجد حتى الآن مؤامرة للحديث عنها ، ولكن الآن سيمز تقرر البدء في ضرب النساء. يستمر فنه وتخطيطاته في الحيرة ، لكن يبدأ المرء في التساؤل عما إذا كانت زوجته قد تركته.


Loved this! Like, more than I thought I would, since "my life as a drug-taking lesbian" books (a la Michelle Tea) tend to drive me nuts. But this was really fun and sad and moving, and focused a lot on Bechdel's messed up family. She even manages to make literary allusions in a way that isn't snobby, which for me is a huge deal. She clearly loves books and drawing, and is really honest and vulnerable in a genuine, non-pity-party way.


I enjoyed this and thought it was a pleasant example of the "James Herriot" style of memoir (although I suspect David Kennard could be rather fed up with that description). Mr Kennard had an agreeable writing style and an interesting (and fast disappearing) way of life.