
Zoo Istanbul Istanbul من عند Torigni-sur-Vire, فرنسا من عند Torigni-sur-Vire, فرنسا

قارئ Zoo Istanbul Istanbul من عند Torigni-sur-Vire, فرنسا

Zoo Istanbul Istanbul من عند Torigni-sur-Vire, فرنسا


كتاب رائع.


a tough guy and an eccentric woman find an abandoned baby. The guy decided to raise the baby on his own.It was good.


I couldn't wait to finish this book! I liked it almost as much as my favorite, "Heir of the Dog." There are a lot of laugh-out-loud moments and the parrot, Myron, is hysterical! I wish he could be in another one of Judi's books in this series. Of course, Rudy always comes up with his smart aleck remarks in just the right places and Ellie gets herself into trouble with the law. I just plain out love these dog walker books and wish I had another one to read, but I'll just have to wait until March 2012 for the next book in the series, "Fashion Faux Paw."